The document provides advice about constructing a program that will cover the scope of English for a stage. It sets out a process for planning and sequencing units of work and developing teaching and learning activities
I was able to find the Programming information for my Major area of study: ENGLISH by searching the Board of Studies Website, in the syllabus documents Icon, then clicked on the advice on programming and assessment..
Aim / Goals
The aim of English in Years 7 to 10 is to enable students to use, understand, appreciate, reflect on and enjoy the English language in a variety of texts and to shape meaning in ways that are imaginative, interpretive, critical and powerful.
A student:
- responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure
- uses and critically assesses a range of processes for responding and composing
- selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning
- selects and uses language forms and features, and structures of texts according to different purposes, audiences and contexts, and describes and explains their effects on meaning
- transfers understanding of language concepts into new and different contexts
- experiments with different ways of imaginatively and interpretively transforming experience, information and ideas into texts
- thinks critically and interpretively using information, ideas and increasingly complex arguments to respond to and compose texts in a range of contexts
- investigates the relationships between and among texts
- demonstrates understanding of the ways texts reflect personal and public worlds
- questions, challenges and evaluates cultural assumptions in texts and their effects on meaning
- uses, reflects on, assesses and adapts their individual and collaborative skills for learning with increasing independence and effectiveness.
Skills, knowledge and understanding
Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts in context and through close study of texts, students will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in order to:
· speak, listen, read, write, view and represent *
· use language and communicate appropriately and effectively
· think in ways that are imaginative, interpretive and critical
· express themselves and their relationships with others and the world
· learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English.
Values and attitude
Students will value and appreciate:
· the importance of the English language as a key to learning
· the power of language to explore and express views of themselves, others and the world
· the power of effective communication using the language modes of speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing
· the role of language in developing positive interaction and cooperation with others
· the diversity and aesthetics of language through literary and other texts
· the independence gained from thinking imaginatively, interpretively and critically
· the power of language to express the personal, social, cultural, ethical, moral, spiritual and aesthetic dimensions of human experiences.
I have found the content for English at Stage 5 is based on the relationships between language and meaning. Meaning is shaped through the processes of responding to and composing texts.
Students’ skills, knowledge and understanding are developed through:
· responding to texts across the required range of texts
· composing texts across the variety of types and contexts described in the content.
The content for Stage 5 takes account of students’ developmental growth as their views of the world broaden from the personal to the public.
This syllabus uses some terms in specific ways to describe complex processes and concepts
The GOALS act as rather broad and general descriptions of the long term aims of a whole curriculum.
The OUTCOMES decsribe characteristics, behaviours or understandings in the learner which have significance.
The OBJECTIVES describe the desired changes in the learner in such a way that one can tell whether or not they have been achieved. The objectives describe what the student is to do, and the expected student learning.